Corporate Sustainability
Our commitment to sustainability
We recognise the importance of managing Environment Social and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities across our business – not just in our investment services, but also through our strategy, governance, and operations.
Each year, we report on our progress with regards to our internal sustainability focused initiatives – providing transparency to our clients, employees and shareholders. We are proud to make available our Sustainability Overview which details performance against material ESG issues and offers a snapshot of our future ambitions.
FY23 Highlights
58% decrease in GHG footprint
operational greenhouse gas (scope 1 and 2) emissions reduction vs. FY22.*
117% increase in community contributions
$350,000 raised for community organisations through E&P and staff.^
40% women on E&P Board and Investment Committee
37% across all staff.
55.5% of energy from renewable sources
vs. 14.9% of energy consumed in FY22.**
$217 million+ in sustainable funds under advice (FUA)
committed client capital across our sustainable investment product suite.
Top 5 rated intern program
Australian Association of Graduate Employers (AAGE) Top 40.
Client Experience
Our primary business is to provide quality financial services for private, institutional and corporate clients.
- ~73% of funds under management (FUM) ahead of benchmark since inception or generating a positive net asset value return.
- 100% of Core Equities FUM (Claremont Global and Orca Global Disruption Fund) ahead of benchmark since inception.
- Inclusion of Claremont Global in the Sohn Hearts & Minds conference and investment portfolio.
- 0 successful malicious attacks, reportable privacy incidents or notifiable data breaches.
- 80% increase in cyber security training (hours per full time employee [FTE]) completed.
- Introduction of a secure messaging system for advisers and clients to communicate outside of email for personal and financial information.
Human Capital Management
As our greatest asset, our people are the largest contributor to client satisfaction and business success.
- 40% women on Group Board and Investment Committee. 37% women in Group workforce.
- 50%+ of offers made to females under the graduate/intern programs.
- Establishment of a diversity working group to enhance outcomes.
- Significant increase in training hours completed per employee. Introduction of mandatory training on Anti-Bullying & Anti-Harassment and Discrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity.
- Received external recognition for intern program placing 5th in the Top 50 Intern programs by the AAGE.
- Revised career maps, competency and performance frameworks to enhance career outcomes.
Community Engagement
We strive to make a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate through philanthropic fundraising, volunteering and community engagement activities.
- Contributed $350,000 to 30+ community based organisations – a 117% increase in total contributions vs. FY22.^
- Joined industry group Philanthropy Australia to promote and support the philanthropic sector.
- Reintroduced donation matching to match individual staff donations to a maximum of $200 per employee.
- Introduced an additional day per annum of paid volunteer leave for all staff to encourage community participation.
- Launched a new partnership with Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) to provide mentoring to students from low socio-economic backgrounds.
- Launched a Cultural Flexibility Policy and Paid Volunteer Leave Program.
Sustainable Investment
We are proud to offer solutions for clients seeking to invest in line with their values – with a dedicated team responsible for the development of the firm’s sustainable investment capability.
- Launched proprietary ESG and sustainable development goal (SDG) aligned portfolio reporting for E&P Wealth UHWN and family office clients.
- Expanded ESG data access to include managed products, complementing existing direct equity data.
- Developed a specialist Impact Investment Asset Consulting service and Not-for-Profit (NFP) advice team, leveraging our expertise in advising ~$2.4 billion across more than 100 NFP clients.
- 30+ unique sustainable investment options made available for E&P Wealth clients covering fixed income, equities, real assets, and alternatives.
- $217 million+ in E&P Wealth client capital committed with 18% of full-service clients invested in one or more product.
- Impact focused opportunities across social, nature-based and decarbonisation related assets supported in FY23.
Climate Change and Resource Management
Climate change and resource management issues are essential to our stakeholders and long-term business success.
- 58% decrease in operational (Scope 1 and 2) greenhouse gas footprint vs. FY22.*
- Established Greenpower energy procurement for all Australian offices.
- Commitment to expand emissions measurement, and management, to include material indirect exposures (Scope 3) across our supply chains in future.
- Core Equities portfolios exhibit emissions intensity significantly lower than respective benchmarks.
- Claremont Global Fund: 89% reduction in Carbon Intensity vs MSCI ACWI Ex Australia Index.
- Global Disruption Fund: 84% reduction in Carbon Intensity vs MSCI ACWI Index.
WGEA Gender Pay Gap Supporting Statement
E&P is committed to fostering a culture that embraces and promotes diversity, inclusion and equity in our workplace. We know that this focus will result in an engaged and productive workforce who feel recognised and respected. Our approach fosters greater innovation, creativity, and diversity of thought, better decision making, better business outcomes and improved organisational performance.
Our goal is to have a workforce that reflects the community in which we work and enable our employees to bring their full selves to work. This commitment is integral to our value of Respect & Inclusion and is demonstrated through harnessing the diverse perspectives of our people.
E&P’s workforce is made up of 35% female employees with too few females in senior leadership roles. This impacts the median gender pay gap of 36% (base pay) as reported to WGEA. We recognise the need to focus on female representation at all levels, including leadership, and are committed to improving representation to reduce the WGEA gap.
WGEA calculates a gender pay gap based on the difference between the arithmetic average of men’s total compensation and the average of women’s total compensation, including superannuation, overtime, bonuses, and other additional payments. The WGEA calculation is undertaken without consideration given to roles that are like for like between genders.
E&P Financial Group does however conduct annual like for like gender pay analysis of fixed reward (excluding performance based bonuses). The analysis is conducted against same or similar roles, by level, to contextualise the data and to ensure men and women doing the same work, at the same level, receive the same base pay inclusive of superannuation. When calculating our like for like gender pay gap in our revenue generating businesses, our gender pay gap is 3.7% in favour of males. This gap is driven by differences in experience and nuanced expertise, even when working in similar roles.
We believe conducting a like for like gender pay analysis ensures that men and women doing the same work receive the same base pay. E&P analysis excludes bonuses, which are performance based, irrespective of gender. We ensure transparency by sharing our like for like analysis with our staff internally.
E&P is committed to gender equality and improving our female representation in our business and across the industry. We have set specific measurable targets that will drive change including representation in our revenue generating businesses, women in leadership, intern and graduate recruitment, and like for like gender pay. These targets are supported by practical initiatives overseen by our Diversity Working Group and owned by our senior leadership team.
Note: All data unaudited, as at 30 June 2023.
*Scope 1 and 2 emissions only, using market-based carbon accounting methodology.
**Legislated RPP of 18.96% (FY22: 18.64%) included using market-based accounting methodology.
^Compared to community donations and contributions in FY22. Excludes industry sponsorships.