Broadening Horizons
While the outlook for global markets is trending positive, the evolving mix of opportunities and risks mean diversification remains key and asset allocation should be reviewed to reflect this new landscape.
Global conditions are improving. For the past two years, the narrowness of market returns has reflected the narrowness of economic growth. The only bright spot has been US consumer spending with other regions and sectors under some pressure. This looks to be changing. The industrial sector is showing signs of life and conditions outside the US are starting to catch up.
Risks are fading in China. Aggressive government action is limiting the damage from the property downturn and exports are strong again, due primarily to electric vehicles and batteries. Households are still not spending, however, and this needs to change to improve longer-term prospects.
The Australian economy has been stagnant because of high interest rates and cost of living pressures. A surge in immigration probably prevented a recession. There is hope for some improvement now with tax cuts implemented, high accumulated savings, rising wealth and a healthy labour market but the timing and extent of a spending recovery is unclear.
The other good news is that the inflation crisis is largely over. However, inflation will be persistent to some extent and this points to bond yields and official interest rates remaining above pre-COVID levels. This is important for asset allocation given the higher returns on offer in cash, credit and government bonds.
Lingering risks
While this is generally a positive backdrop, we are watching a number of lingering risks. Inflation could resurge and geopolitical risks remain elevated. The particular political risks this year are from elections. The Indian, Mexican and French elections have already caused some volatility and more is likely as the US election approaches.
Asset allocation needs to reflect the changing macro landscape, the material change in interest rates and the elevated risk environment. Diversification is the best way to protect against country-specific election risks. We have also been adding exposure to interest rate securities where potential returns have increased significantly.
Equities priced for positive outcome
The better macro and profit outlook is a positive for equity markets. The complication, however, is that stock prices have moved ahead of the macro and are already priced for a positive outcome. This has been particularly the case for the US tech sector. Investors need to be selective and we recommend positioning via rotation into sectors that will benefit from the broadening in the global recovery. Small companies, emerging markets and selected commodity producers stand out.
Global Industrial Production & Manufacturing Output PMI
China Manufacturing PMI
Australian excess savings %
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